TABLE 4: Major U.S. industrial timberland sales, 1996-1997.
Total price
(million $)
Champion International Fort James Maine 140 40e
Hancock Timber Crown Vantage N.H./Maine 83 20e
Prudential Timber Mutual Life Ins. NY Fla./Ga. 92 135
Kymmene Blandin Paper Minn. 192 58e
Crown Pacific Trillium Wash. 65 153
Forest Investment International Paper N.Y./Pa. 175 200
Hancock Timber James River Ala. 95 110
Sierra Pacific Georgia-Pacific Calif. 127 320
Alliance Forest Kimberly-Clark Ala. 400 280
Mead Boise Cascade Maine 667 133
Stimson Lumber Plum Creek Wash./Idaho 107 150
Plum Creek Riverwood La./Ark. 538 540
U.S. Timberlands Weyerhaueser Oregon 600 309
Willamette Inds. (1) Cavenham Wash./Ore. 391 860
Crown Pacific Willamette Wash. 207 205
Temple-Inland Willamette La. 230 90
Hancock Willamette Ore. 104 350
Willamette Inds. (1) Cavenham La. 156 94
Weyerhaeuser Cavenham La. 353 229
Weyerhaeuser Cavenham Miss. 309 200
Union Camp Bowater S.C. 121 122
R-H Timber IP Timberlands Wash./Ore. 300 900
Source: International Woodfiber Report
(1) Willamette Industries acquired a total 1.088 million acres from Cavenham Forestland and sold about half to other buyers.